SSD/SSI for Children
Your child may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits depending on your income level and your child’s age and disabilities.
According to the CDC, one in six children are born with a disability and the PEW research group reports that there are 7 million disabled youths making up 14% of the public school system. Thankfully, there are safety nets in place to assist these youths.

SSDI for Children
When parents work a sufficient amount of time before becoming disabled they could be eligible for monthly Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments. These payments are based on the amount of time you’ve worked and how much money you’ve paid into the Social Security system. Once you begin receiving your SSDI benefits, your dependents may also qualify for monthly benefits.
SSI for Children
Supplemental Security Income is for children younger than 18 years of age. SSI can also be available for children over 18 and adults who were disabled before they reached 22 years old. A parent’s Social Security earnings record will determine the number of benefits the child can receive. A free consultation with a child disability lawyer could be the first step that helps you determine if your child is eligible for SSI or SSDI benefits.
Supplemental Security Income Benefit Eligibility
SSI also provides financial assistance to those with limited resources who are 65 and older. SSI payments differ from state to state and your child’s eligibility may depend on the following factors:
- Household income
- The child lives or resides with you.
- The child’s activities are limited by their condition
- Your child is expected to be disabled for at least 12 months or die
Certain medical conditions automatically qualify your child for SSI payments right away for up to six months while the SSA makes a long-term decision about whether your child’s disability qualifies. These conditions include:
- Birth weight below 2 pounds, 10 ounces
- Cerebral palsy
- Down syndrome
- Muscular dystrophy
- Severe intellectual disability in children over four
- Symptomatic HIV infection
- Total blindness
- Total deafness
Proving SSI Eligibility for Children
You will have to provide your child’s detailed medical information about the disabling condition and a statement as to how the condition prevents your child from performing their daily activities to prove SSI eligibility.
Additionally, you will need to collaborate with your child’s teachers, doctors, therapists, and other helping professionals to provide all of the necessary information about your child to Social Security.
What happens if my child’s benefits are denied?
You will receive written notice if your application is denied. If you’d like to appeal the decision then you’ll need to file a Request for Reconsideration within 60 days of the date of the denial notice. All forms for appeals can be found online at or you can request the proper form by telephone at 1-800-772-1213.
SSI Disability Lawyers for Children
Getting disability for a child requires substantial evidence and hiring an attorney to handle your child’s case will help relieve you of most of the stress associate with the work that has to be done. Disability attorneys can handle all of those mundane time-consuming tasks separating parents from their children.
Children that can demonstrate they have significant learning disabilities, low IQs, or other mental disorders (such as depression, autism, and drug dependence) may qualify for disability but meeting the SSA’s standards for approval can be complicated and vary based on the child’s age.
However, Los Angeles SSI disability lawyers will know what records are important for the SSA to see for your child’s age and condition and will contact the necessary school officials and medical providers to obtain relevant records. Your disability attorney can review the records to see what additional information is necessary and when the records contain evidence that could be harmful to your claim.
Sometimes additional tests are needed to satisfy the Social Security Administration’s requirements and a disability lawyer can advocate on your child’s behalf get secure written opinions from testing and health officials that support their claim.
Hiring an SSI Disability Attorney
Hiring an attorney will not automatically get you a faster decision in your child’s case but they can make sure your application has all the information needed to prove the disability. A seasoned disability attorney can review your file to ensure that you submit the right evidence to increase the chance of your child’s claim being approved without a hearing.
Having an experienced disability attorney represent your child at their disability hearing can significantly increase your child’s chances of approval. Successful hearings require preparation, understanding of the system, and asking your SSA’s vocational expert the right questions. Adept disability attorneys are familiar with the process and can prepare you and your child for your hearing.
Other Useful Articles
- Questions About Social Security Disability and SSI Benefits
- Back & Neck Injuries
- SSD Overview
- Benefits Eligibility
- Covid-19 & SSD benefits
- Qualifying for SST/SSD
- SSD Application Process
- SSD Denial and Reconsideration
- Social Security Appeals
- SSDI/SSI and Medicare
- Social Security Benefits for Elderly
- Difference Between SSDI and SSI
- Long-term Disability